Life Changes Quotes
Change Quotes. “True life is lived when tiny changes occur.” — “By changing nothing, nothing changes. All great changes are preceded by chaos.” — “Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal.” — “Change is inevitable. “Change your thinking, change your life” — Ernest Holmes.
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“I wish I could say we all lived happily ever after. I can’t. But I can say we lived. Our love for Nate lives, and he’s left us this piece of himself in his art; it was his gift to us. We know him through his art, and I can take comfort in that.
I guess the thing about high school is, it’s the moment when you start to cross from being a kid to being an adult, and this journey to know yourself begins. Nate’s journey ended too early, and I thought I had to run away to some far-off land to start mine. But, for now, it seems to me that I have enough to explore right here. There’s a whole continent to discover in myself, and I know that it’s love — love for my parents, my friends, my brother, and my art — that will guide me. Love will be my map.”
― Lisa Ann Sandell, A Map of the Known World
- 4 June, 2020
- It’s harder when the change involves death of a loved one. My son died in an auto accident. He left behind a 4 year old that I had taken care of since birth. His mother will no longer allow him to see me. I’m having a hard time moving on. I wish my grandsons mom would change her mind.
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- PurpleFries
- 4 February, 2020
- Abraham Maslow “In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.”
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- CyanGlasses
- 19 May, 2020
- While we are busy hoping someone will change their ways we ultimately change ours! Women marry men hoping they will change while men marry women hoping they won’t!! Change is ever constant without it we become stale and stagnant.
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- OliveFish
- 2 June, 2020
- I love change!!!
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- RedCloud
- 16 May, 2020
- The future is here, it’s just unevenly distributed.
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- Evan Torio
- 19 August, 2020
- Donate Change to Change the World
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- GoldCone
- 12 May, 2020
- Nice i would rate this 5 stars its a great recourse.
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- uday kumar
- 23 July, 2020
- very good person
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- OrangeChefHat
- 17 December, 2019
- Oof
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- OliveScissors
- 28 January, 2020
- So true in every day life love your neighbors
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